Our curriculum
We are a group where children will have the opportunity to learn and develop at their own pace, where equal chances are given to all in a safe, stimulating and happy environment with a minimum of three trained staff. We actively encourage parents to become valued members of the group and welcome new ideas and skills that you may bring with you.

What children may learn at pre-school
At Pre-School we work to a 6 term ‘various theme curriculum’. This covers the EYFS learning areas. This means we have specific themes for each term to give your child the greatest opportunity to achieve all the skills necessary in later life. The children are encouraged to explore and learn from different materials, bring things of interest from home and to discover things for themselves.

Out in the community
We regularly take the children to the park which is a few metres away from the Pre-School to provide added variety in climbing and balancing.
We organise trips to the shops with the children and go to the nearby church at St Peter’s, Wootton for our nativity play.
We also organise visits for older children to both our linked schools (Wootton St. Peter's and Dry Sandford), with two or more visits scheduled for the summer term before children start school.
Our Activities

Water Play
Drawing, stencilling, sticking
Mud Kitchen
Dressing Up

Indoor climbing frame
Wide range of puzzles
Pretend play with playsets