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Useful information for Current Parents


Bags, Coats, Lunchboxes

On arrival children will hang bags and coats on the pegs inside the door and there are pigeon holes for shoes and wellies. Lunch boxes should be left on the front table (directly in front of you as you enter the Pre-School room).



There is a parent’s notice board outside the Pre-School door which we update on daily basis with news and information.

name tree.jpg

Name tree

After taking off coats children are encouraged to find their name and place it on the Name Tree.


Key workers

Every child is assigned a key worker, the list of key workers and their children is up on the kitchen wall. Your child’s key worker is your first point of contact for any queries, particularly if you have any concerns about your child.

Light Bulb

Suggestions Box

A place for you to put any suggestions – can be anonymous! – for how we can improve our Preschool. We welcome any feedback so please let us know. Alternatively you can email us at


Learning Journals

Your key worker is responsible for keeping a Learning Journal for your child, which records their progress at Pre-School.  The Learning Journal particularly focuses on the developmental markers in the National Curriculum. You can view your child’s learning online through a private account using Tapestry e-journal.

Image by Solen Feyissa


We have a Facebook group which you can join to get updates and information. Please email us on if you would like to join – the group is private to Pre-School members.

Kids Running

Pre-School Committee

The Pre-School Committee meets half termly, and is essential to the running of the Pre-School. Parents are encouraged to become members – have your say and show your support by attending the meetings.

Current Parents Info: Programs
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