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Children are supported by experienced and nurturing staff at their pre-school.

Staff have a good understanding of their curriculum and how children learn. Overall, they plan a rich and varied selection of well-organised activities to encourage children to explore and build on what they already know. This helps children to make good progress

All children love opportunities to develop their imaginative play with small-world toys and in their home corner. There are lots of opportunities for them to develop their early literacy skills. For example, they take turns to choose their favourite book at story time. Children sit well alongside each other while listening to stories.

Children have daily opportunities to be physically active. They enjoy fresh air and exercise in the recently improved outside area. In addition, children enjoy the regular yoga and football sessions

Partnerships with parents are strong. Parents leave glowing testimonials praising the stable staff team. They feel supported with how to help their children at home and receive regular updates about their children's learning.

Children behave well. Staff set consistent boundaries, which helps children to understand the expectations for their behaviour.

Children have good manners and are kind and considerate to everyone.

Key-person relationships are exceptionally strong, and staff form close, professional relationships with parents and families. This has huge benefits for supporting children as they settle at the pre-school. The warm and inclusive approach supports all children to feel welcome.

The management, committee and staff team work together well to identify further areas to develop so that The special educational needs and/or disabilities coordinator works closely with families, staff and other agencies involved in children's care. This enables children with special educational needs and/or disabilities to benefit from highly effective support with their ongoing progress. Effective use of additional funding enables children to access high-quality care and learning opportunities throughout their time at the pre-school.pre-school continually improves.

The manager works very closely with her well-established team.

The manager has successfully implemented strategies to involve parents in their child's learning journey. 


Wootton and Dry Sandford Pre-School

01865 806288

Wootton & Dry Sandford Pre-School, Community Centre, Besselsleigh Road, Wootton OX13 6DA
Registered Charity no. 300109 - Ofsted no. 133413 - Member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance

©2023 Wootton and Dry Sandford Pre-School

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