Opening Hours
Term time only
Breakfast Club: 8.30am - 9.00am (not Tuesdays)
Morning Session: 9.00am - 12noon
Afternoon: 12noon - 3pm
Please see below for details of our school day
Our school day
Morning sessions 9am-12pm
9.00 Doors open and children arrive
9.15 Registration
9.30 Free play and adult-led play on activity tables/areas and outside. Children are encouraged to choose their own craft and play activities
10.00 Snack
10.15 Free play and adult-led play
11.00 Split into small key worker groups for learning activities
11.45 Circle time – all come together for story time, singing, dancing and learning activities
12.00 End of morning session.
Lunch club 12-1pm
Lunch for those staying all day/lunch club. Please bring a packed lunch for your child to enjoy.
Afternoon activities (1-3pm)
Afternoon sessions we run more involved craft, play and learning activities, and we also use this session to explore our local area, eg walks to the shops, local schools, or walks to surrounding play parks.